Campus Technology
The Campus Technology Committee (CTC) reports to the College Advisory Council and is charged with reviewing, evaluating, and recommending strategies, plans, policies, procedures and standards for instructional and administrative technology to District Technology Committee and college Finance Committee. The Committee provides input into budgetary decisions by establishing priorities and by reviewing and recommending standards for implementation, maintenance, and upgrading of technologies that affect instruction and general infrastructure.
- Seek input from constituency groups, and college regarding technology requirements, concerns and issues.
- Develop a Technology Plan that addresses current requirements and issues, advances new technologies to facilitate educational processes and streamline administrative services aligned with college Mission and Strategic Plan.
- Identify technology training for faculty and staff and promote the use of technology to support student success.
- Prioritize the allocations of resources in accordance with the Technology and Educational Master Plans and Program Reviews to promote technology use by all constituent groups.
- In collaboration with ITSS, provide input for network infrastructure and administrative computing to District Technology Committee.
- Prioritize campus technology needs and recommend those priorities to the President and District Office through College Advisory Committee.
- Meeting agendas will be announced 48 hours prior to meetings.
- Minutes will be posted in an electronic format.
- Committee actions will reflect a majority vote by a quorum of the members.
- Recommendations will be submitted to the CAC for approval prior to implementation.
- The Technology Plan or any revision to the plan will be submitted to the Academic Senate upon approval by the CTC for informational purposes.
- Recommend college technology acquisitions to the District Technology Committee.
The members of the Campus Technology Committee will consist of the following:
- 2 Administrators appointed by the President
- 2 Faculty appointed by the Academic Senate
- 2 Classified CSEA Unit members
- 1 Students appointed by the Associated Students
- 1 Ex officio
Meetings schedule
The Campus Technology Committee meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 2:00-3:30 p.m.