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Humanities Overview

In Humanities at San José City College, you will embark on a captivating journey through the ages and across the continents, delving into the multifaceted ways in which people from every period of history and every corner of the globe process and document human experiences. Our program celebrates the diverse expressions of human creativity, thought, culture, and society, offering a profound exploration of what it means to be human.

A degree or coursework in Humanities from SJCC prepares you for a wide array of career paths. Graduates often excel in fields such as education, publishing, journalism, cultural heritage, museum curation, public relations, and more. The analytical and communication skills developed in our program are highly transferable and valued in various professions.

Department Contacts

  • Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts Division
  • (408) 288-3785


  • Balance objective analysis with subjective response in formulating such interpretations through:
    1. Recognition of form
    2. Expression of feeling
    3. Description of structure
    4. Examination of contexts
    5. Synthesis of content
    6. Interpretation of meaning
  • Students demonstrate knowledge in the interdisciplinary study of diverse cultures.
  • Students identify the key features of a text, artifact, or art object.
  • Students articulate their own values and beliefs and compare them with those of diverse cultures, identifying the relationships between them.
  • Students analyze source material and write a well-supported, clearly articulated